Linda Howard

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

My journey began over 25 years ago, embarking on a career in the realm of health and wellness, driven by a strong belief in the transformative power of nutrition and the significance of mindfulness in achieving optimal well-being. As a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition coach and competitive bodybuilder, where I not only honed my physical prowess but also cultivated mindfulness practices to enhance my performance and knowledge.

I believe that a nourished body and mind are the foundation for holistic well-being,

I teach my clients how to support optimal health and well-being by incorporating simple and fun diet and lifestyle changes and incorporating therapeutical grade nutraceuticals that will enable you to achieve and maintain your health and wellness goals. 

Contact me today at 813-215-8109 to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY consultation and let’s get started! During this 15-minute phone session, I will answer all your questions and determine how I can best support your wellness goals.